Learning Resources
There are unlimited resources on the web. Here are a few which we have found helpful to the inventor. If you have contributions to this list please contact us with a link and a brief description of the service including why you found it helpful to you and we will get it posted for you.
Business Organizations

Brevard Workforce Aerospace Workforce Transition Program - Here are the resources to assist aerospace workers to redirect their talents productively.

Empowered Inventing Videos - Has sponsored hundreds of inventor centeric Youtube videos covering as many subjects. Here is a great place to get the required "learnin" poured into you.
He has prepared a great graphic of the IdeaSteps to Inventing to get you started. If you like those check out the EmpoweredInventing.com website and find out how he can help you directly. He is in business too so you can expect to pay for his services. He promises to make you smarter about inventing not that he will sell or buy your idea.

National Entrepreneur Center - Need help getting your business off the ground? Here is a treasure trove of free and inexpensive help.
At the National Entrepreneur Center, we are dedicated to fostering the spark of a new business idea, supporting business growth, and providing resources to the mighty oaks of small business in Central Florida.

National Paralegal College - Need to understand more about patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets? Here is a resource which was found for us by the kids at an after school program in Colorado. (This is where you, dear reader, should feel bad for not sending us what you have found.) NPC is a for profit paralegal school but they have some free resources which can clear up your questions about patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights. Take a look here and Kudos to After School Care Programs and their bright kids.

Innovation Engineering Labs - is headed up by Doug Hall, the most successful marketing person at Procter and Gamble ever. He started Eureka Ranch about 20 years ago, took a swing through Planet Eureka, and is now Innovation Engineering Labs. He is "Enabling Innovation By Everyone, Everywhere, Every Day." A key point of his program is the 20/20 program which is about how to cut costs 20% and grow revenue by 20%.

Invention Accelerator - The Invention Acceleratorâ„¢ is an invitation-only, World-Class program designed for busy people looking to streamline the invention process and avoid common pitfalls. Our comprehensive curricula will teach you the tactical steps to create and license "WOW" solutions, coaching calls will help you apply the information to your unique invention and circumstances, and our exclusive mastermind group of like-minded individuals will be there to support you on the journey. This program will give you all of the steps and support you need to build a meaningful invention licensing business, and ENJOY THE JOURNEY!
Lisa gave us a great talk on Marketing in May of 2022. We hope to have her back.

Invent Tank - Aspiring inventors, listen up! You may have a great idea but now what? You likely have many unanswered questions. Now you can get expert advice from a successful inventor with a 30-year track record of success and over $30 million in sales. Tune into InvenTank and hear from Lisa and her guest experts to help you get from "What if?" to "WOW!" Now available on these fine channels: iHeart, Amazon Music, and Spotify.
Lisa gave us a great talk on Marketing in May of 2022. We hope to have her back.

SATOP Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program - SATOP is a NASA funded technology assistance program where you may get up to 40 hours of free high tech assistance. It is free to find out if your busines qualifies.

SCORE Template Gallery - SCORE has a ton of templates for just about everything necessary to start up a business. Don't forget to check out their other services. They are retired businessmen who volunteer their expertise to help you succeed in your business. They also have free business consuling and business classes for a modest fee.
Inventor's Organizations

Edison Innnovators Association
- SW FL’s one-stop connection for inventors, product innovators, and aspiring minds. We are here to help you protect and move your idea forward efficiently and safely by educating and connecting
experts & beginners alike!

Inventors Association Leadership Circle
- Like the names says this is the organization which is bringing together the leaders of all the inventors organizations to brainstorm on how to fix the big problems. It is also a resource for you.
This link takes you to the home page of their website where you can scroll to the bottom to find links to a myriad of useful sites and a map of many of the inventors organizations.

Inventors Society of South Florida
- This is a comprehensive inventors site with links to a broad array of resources. They are located in the Ft. Lauderdale Area.

Lyndhurst STEM For Girls - Engages middle and high school girls in STEM as a whole. In doing so they have been using ICCF as one of their resources and offered this link as a great source for educational information on Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents. Please be aware this is a commercial website that we have not vetted. So your choice to do business with them is strictly up to you. Thanks to Katie for digging this up.

North Florida Inventors Group
- This is an inventors group located in Jacksosville area. Their claim to fame is the Pitch in the Park Innovation Festival held in January.
Get connected on their Meetup Group which shows when and where the next meeting is.
Tampa Bay Inventors Council - Here you can find what is happening in Tampa Bay area in Florida. They have meetings twice monthly.
InventorEd.Org - Here you can find general inventor education. It has a list of invention submission and other organizations that you would best avoid. Before shelling out cash to an organization to "help" you check them against this list.

UIA.Org - Here is essentially the mother of Inventor Organizations. Virtually all other inventor organizations are members of this one. Since 1990, the UIA is the national 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to inventor education and support. Their Mission is to provide reliable information to inventors, as well as Certification to groups and inventor-friendly firms who agree to comply with rigorous professional and ethical standards.

Inventors Digest - This is a "Must Have" resource for new inventors. Aside from their website they have an old fashioned paper magazine which is delivered monthly. It contains current articles on market research, patenting, prototyping, licencing, and what is happening in Washington that affects us. It has listings of companies which perform most of the services an inventor neeeds. You can view back issues on line but by subscribing you will support their research and be freed from the glowing screen. They have Resources such as trade show lists, patent help, start up competitions, and more. If you would like to inspired check out their Top 10 TED Talks for Inventors section.

NuEnergy.org - Alternative Free Energy Research Archive - Here is a great source for information on energy research which is not main stream.
Patent Pending Blog - This is a fascinating dive into the development of a plethora of inventions we take for granted. Bob Shaver is a patent attorney located in Boise, Idaho, who enjoys technology of all kinds. His love for technology and history has resulted in a blog which boils down some complex evolutions into something which can be digested quickly. He is a Patent Attorney at Shaver and Swanson, LLP in Boise, Idaho. Thanks for doing this Bob.

Quackit.com - If you are building a website, here is a great resouorce for learning HTML. Most everything I learned to make this website came from Quackit. They have a ton of code samples you can copy to your own website then modify to your liking.