Inventors Council of Central Florida

Non - Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

This Agreement shall govern the conditions of disclosure by the attendees of the Inventors’ Council of Central Florida of certain confidential information including but not limited to information, documents, prototypes, drawings, data, trade secrets, ideas and intellectual property relating to any products, inventions, services, schedules or other information.

In order to promote a stimulating, yet protective, environment for the exchange of ideas and mutually beneficial constructive brainstorming, the attendee agrees to treat and maintain all disclosed information relative to the subject matter in strict confidence, and not to use, or disclose to others, such information without prior written authorization. This confidence extends to any and all employees, superiors, and/or associates of the attendee.

Also, it is agreed that the attendee, collectively or individually, will not make, use, or sell said invention, and/or information, unless, and until, a separate agreement has been concluded between the disclosing party, relative to the subject matter discussed. Excepted is information which becomes available in the public domain or disclosed through other sources which can be documented.

The secrecy obligations of attendee with respect to the information shall continue for a period ending 5 years from the date of attendance. 

Click here for a PDF version of the NDA for your signature.  By signing this and sending it back to us using this link.

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